Tuesday 27 November 2012

Mans Unearthing Of Demons Part 3: Hatred Sleeps As Guardians Weep

Months passed as the poppies stood proud and cried their noxious dew, making a puddle that eroded and denatured all it touched. All the while the other guardians planned and attempted to drive out and destroy the hunts peoples villages. But were swiftly met with reciprocating anger and power, losing many on each side of the feud, as the guardians pulled back in order to regroup and strategize more cunning and affective plan. As they pulled back the hunters used the retreating moments to gain an advantage and continued a full offensive assault on the animal guardians and their brethren , firing their guns, flailing their axes and swords and burning and cutting down more trees as they charged at the animals laying waste to all they got their hands on.

Ohanko the Bear guardian suddenly snapped and turned to face them, raising himself to his hind legs and letting out a mighty and deafening roar, "COME ON!!!! We shall not run any longer we shall fight and we shall win!! Bears, Lions, Boars all of you still alive fight with me, for tonight we drink the blood of our enemies!!!" Ohanko charged head on while exclaiming a mighty war cry, as he was accompanied by the ferocious animals he commanded as the hunters and the animals with their leader sprinted head on for a full force collision. As they collided in a heap of anger, flesh and fur Ohanko lifted two huntsmen up, one impaling him with his razor sharp claws and the other being shredded with his dagger like teeth, as he swatted three more hunters, slicing one in half with his claws, two more huntsmen flanked him in the skirmish and shot into his back while one of then pierced his thick pelt and mighty flesh with a puncturing blow of  his sword. Ohanko cried out in agony and rage as his eyes, filled with blinding aggression, turned blood red as his movements and sounds became more and more animalistic and blood thirsty flinging enemies all over the battlefield, some piece by piece as he ripped them to shreds, his allies slowly changing into vicious beasts too as the hunters numbers dwindled in the blinding rage and blood shed of the animals butter hatred.

As the hunters realised they had to become more organised as fighting animals in a primal manner was not to their advantage as they didn't have the sheer animalism that the hate filled beasts possessed. So they began to line up in small firing lines and began to open fire clearing beast after beast into the dirt as a section of them reloaded their tools of death another team began to hurl their weapons, impaling and maiming their foes. Hours passed as the organised carnage continued till only Ohanko stood, alone and enraged, as the hunters surrounded him, enclosing him in a circle of guns, axes and swords Ohanko, reckless, strong and blinded by pain, anger and brute force, began to strike and swing his claws at the huntsman who in one unified bang fired their guns.

Kuwanlelenta sobbed as the remaining forest and its inhabitants were silenced by the deafening crack of one gigantic gun shot. "What was that?!" worried Hurit.
"It was the sound of our brother and his warriors demise." wept Kuwanlelenta.
"No. I can't be....." Hurit replied as she held back tears.
"I just saw it with my own eyes." stated Kuwanlelenta, her eyes filled with tears and regret.
"It's true my scouts have just informed me of our defeat and the loss of our brother and his men" Pallaton announced as a spider crawled off from behind his ear. A silence fell upon the forest dwellers as Hurit and Kuwanlelenta wept for their fallen comrade and brother.

Back on the battlefield the hunters looked on as the amazing giant bear Ohanko lay their still but continuing to breathe but on the brink of the end. As a lone young hunter approached the dying creature, dumb founded and amazed at his resiliency and spirit. the young hunters name was Ashkii.
"Why do you fight against us we only wish to expand and grow our homes as you have and yet you continue to push and halt our progress as though we were enemies?" Ashkii questioned.
"Pathetic foolish boy" Ohanko gasped, " you are the enemy, the ones who have shoved us away, the ones who have killed, enslaved and destroyed me and my family and our precious homes and land. If you are to progress and continue this lust for power and greed for room you shall destroy everything including yourselves, I now know my reckless ways have cost me my soldiers as well as my life and home, I see this now. Our goals were alike as I wanted to kill you all as you intend with us, I am just not foolish enough to delude myself by shrouding it with my words and making myself stupid to the truth. You will not win you will drive this world to destruction and ruin. I swear it." He murmured

As Ohanko exhaled those final words his body began to melt away and burn to ash, but not before expelling his claws into the hearts of some of the surrounding huntsmen killing them instantly, including Ashkii, making a final statement of 'kill or be killed'.

To be continued....

Thursday 15 November 2012

Mans Unearthing of Demons Part 2: Plots and Poppy Bulbs

Since the death of Imala, wolf spirit and mother to the forest, man's unquenched lust for power and superiority strived ever further destroying the forest and slaughtering or capturing the rest of the animal inhabitants, all of the other forest guardians had either been murdered in cold blood and scavenged of their power or fled in search of a new homes in hope that they may one day return to their birth place and rightful home. All the while the fangs of Imala's last actions left in the side of the cliff burrowed and grew like seeds as the dark, hard and damp insides of the cliff were the perfect place to grow hatred and mature revenge.

10 years had past. Very few guardians had survived, all of whom we left to inhabit rotten and dying swamps and wastelands till the hunters stole them away for work or killed them, all that was left of the guardian animals were meeting beneath the last surviving oak in the midsts of a burnt and rotten wasteland. The guardians, Ohanko, the commander of the armies and leader to the large viscious animals, the great grizzly bear who was an anger filled giant of the guardians distinguished from the other grizzly's by his size and a scar crookedly torn down his right eye, after a battle with a band of hunters, Hurit, the healer and leader to the small forager and healer animals, the elegant deer with decorated antlers, who was one of the fastest guardians as she gracefully galloped through the forest, Pallaton, the assassin and leader of the stealthy and poisonous animals, the grey jaguar the fierce and stealthy guardian whos spots looked like cascades of star lights spotted amongst his fur and finally Kuwanlelenta, the seasoned scout and leader to the reconnaissance and watcher animals, the wise great grey owl who's wings spanned out like that of smoke floating through the air and giant all seeing eyes yellow, piercing and glazed by the sight of dying animals and destroyed trees. These four leaders discussed their inevitable demise and their potential plans for survival.

"Since Imala's death and the death of her tribe, we have seen our beloved forest and our own brethren be slaughtered or taken for slavery by those...those... creatures" snarled Ohanko. " we need to gather as many of our strongest and fastest and plan some course of action to regain our home, free our stolen, avenge our fallen and wipe out that species of greedy, selfish lot!" He continued to roar. 

"And how do you suppose we accomplish these, apparently simple of tasks, oh furious, strong one?" Hurit sneeringly replied "charge full force against their weapons and just hope they are out of bullets for their guns, arrows for their bows and metal for their swords, axes and knifes and just kill all of them? Their numbers double by the year and their technology and talents for killing grow by the month."

"Hurit is right I have seen these horrors happen, I have the foolish charge blindly and be met by only death and I have seen these weapons, traps and technologies grow more complicated and more aggressive. If you try to meet them with the same brutally you will only meet the same fate as that of your fallen comrades and lose more than your other eye my friend." Wisely spoken by Kuwanlelenta.

Ohanko bared his teeth in confrontation "And what do you suggest we do then you blasted bird? Wait for them to come and find us and wipe us out first? They are playing the first card of being in the wild, it's kill or be killed and they want to do it on a genocidal scale for their own greedy desires."

"Oh silence yourself you asinine fur bag you speak to your equals as your equals not your subordinates or I shall silence you before the hunters do..." Spoke up Pallaton harshly, " I don't want to hear tones like that again or speak like that again," his voice softened. "Now I feel we should creep into the villages while they slumber and have men and I take out all the filthy lot, I agree with Ohanko on this, they cannot be stopped by mere words or maiming we must take them all out or they shall return in greater and more infuriated numbers. I wish there was another way but their plans are the same and we must be the first to strike."

Kuwanlelenta quietly declared "This discussion shall take some time to decide what our actions shall be, but none of us shall leave here until we have come to a decision that we all agree to. From there we shall then prepare and begin, but we know that the only way to accomplish a goal in which we don't meet our end is to shed the blood of our enemies, if there was a way of peace we would have taken that path. But for the loss and honour of our fallen leader and mother to the forest Imala we shall bring swift vengeance to the hunters."

The guardians discussion continued deep into the night. Whereas the teeth of their fallen mother began to finally sprout from the top of the cliff, that now over looked a thriving town filled with hunters and their weapons and families. As the growing hatred sprouted they took the form of slumbering poppy bulbs waiting to sprout onto a dirt filled grassy cliff top. But as the drooping sprouts hung awaiting release, smoke from the chimneys of the town swept past causing them to shed single tears of black viscous dew that landed onto the grass and dirt denaturing and decaying all the droplets touched. this was the sign of vengeances release to come and to bring with it immeasurable numbers of death and suffering.

To be continued.....

Thursday 8 November 2012

Mans Unearthing of Demons Part 1: The Loss of Hope

A chilled afternoon with beauty sited all around as a thin sheet of ice and snow blanketed the lush earth and trees of the forest as the winter began showing a mix of frosted brown bark, faded green leaves and grass covered in a freshly bright white quilt of snow, the silence of the nature disturbed only by the sounds of music as the wind blew through the trees and the birds singing their afternoon chorus as other woodland creatures rested softly over hibernation and all sheltered by a misty spraying of fog.

Suddenly the softened noise was stolen by a thunderous crack of lone pistol being fired and the beat of sprinting steps as Imala the wolf spirit and mother of the forest and woodlands belted through seeping tears and bleeding, limping and running for her life. Being chased by a tall, broad dark figure that barrelled through toppling trees and slicing at twigs and tree bark bludgeoning and assaulting the trees that got in its path, trudging prints of red hot black oil that denatured and scolded the snow and grass beneath it, in it's hands wielding an axe in one and a flintlock pistol in the other chasing Imala till she got to the base of a cliff and had no other choice but to turn and face her fate.

As the shadowy hunter began emerged through the destruction of his path and the fog Imala used what strength she had to bark a slicing frost at the figure freezing his forearm and pistol causing the weapon to smash between his now tight and solid ice hand , as the crystal ice began to climb his arm he was left no choice but to use the axe on himself and sliced from the elbow gritting his now visible yellow cracked teeth as blood poured from his now severed arm the axe cutting through like a hot knife through butter. Imala realized her demise was inevitable but knew she had to do something that would mean she hadn't left this plain in vain, so she bit into the side of the cliff leaving the top and bottom right of her canine teeth into the side as she had left the rest of her mystical powers in those teeth and with those teeth she left her hatred for the creature responsible, as her thoughts were right as to believe the hunter wanted the powers that she wielded by killing her for her beautiful smoke grey pelt.

As she turned to face her end the hunters envious and evil green eyes pierced Imala's weakened glance as she slowly limped closer bleeding from the cuts from the axe, wound from the now destroyed pistol and now from her missing teeth, the last hope for her woodland domain, her soft blue eyes hazed and fading as the hunter walked closer raising his axe Imala lay down in front of the being realizing the end was close and made her peace with the forest and had her last thought wanting to have at least one last good day dream as the skies turned to night she thought of how she used to wisp through the trees her foot pads barely disturbing the earth whatever weather, she thought of the friends she'd encountered the love she had and had protected and her regrets seeming so small knowing the choices in her life were still hers and her life had been good no matter what, in the end, as the hunters axe silenced her stuttered breathing, she had at least left the world knowing her last thought was a good one.

To be continued....